Bendit, Laurence J., and Payne, Phoeve D., The Phychic Sense, Whelton, I11.: Quest Books.

Crookall, Robert, Out-of-the-Body Experiences: A fourth analysis. New York: University Books, 1970.

Crookall, Robert, Study and Practice of Astral Projection. New York: University Books, 1966.

Fodor, Nandor. The Haunted Mind. New York: Signet Books, 1968.

Fox, Olover. Astral Projection. New York: University Books, 1962.

Hart, Hornell. Beyond the Five Senses, New York: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1957.

Out of print.

Jung C. G., Memories, Dreams, Reflections. Fontana, 1967.

Muldoon, Sylvaan, and Carrington, Hereward. The Phenomena of Astral Projection.

Rider Co, 1969.

Muldoon, Sylvaan, and Carrington, Hereward. The Projection of Astral Body. Rider Co, 1929.

Muldoon, Sylvaan, and Carrington, Hereward. The Phenomena Of Astral Projection.

New York: Samuel Weiser.

Muldoon, Sylvaan, and Carrington, Hereward. The Projection of Astral Body. New York: Samuel Weiser.

Murphy, Gardner, Challenge of Psychical Research: A primer of Parapsychology.

Harper Row, 1970.

Oxenham, John. Out of the Body, London: Longmans, Green Co., 1941;

Shirley, Ralph. Mystery of the Human Double, Rider Co., 1938.

Tart, Charles T., Altered States of Counsciousness: A Book of Readings. John Wiley Sons, 1969.

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