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Литература для дальнейшего чтения

Справочные издания

Abramson, Glenda, ed., Encyclopedia of Modern Jewish Culture (2 vols.). London, 2007.

Barnavi, Eli et al., eds., A Historical Atlas of the Jewish People: From the Time of the Patriarchs to the Present. London, 1992.

de Lange, Nicholas, Atlas of the Jewish World. Oxford and New York, 1984.

Encyclopaedia Judaica, 2nd edn (22 vols.). Woodbridge, CT, 2006.

Friesel, Evyatar, Atlas of Modern Jewish History. New York and Oxford, 1990.

Jacobs, Louis, The Jewish Religion: A Companion. Oxford, 1995.

Werblowsky, R. J. Zwi and Geoffrey Wigoder, eds., The Oxford Dictionary of the Jewish Religion. New York and Oxford, 1997.

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