III. Еврейские книги

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III. Еврейские книги

Appel, Gersion, The Concise Code of Jewish Law: Compiled from Kitzur Shulhan Aruch and Traditional Sources: A New Translation with Introduction and Halachic Annotations based on Contemporary Responsa. New York, 1989-.

The Authorised Daily Prayer Book of the United Hebrew Congregations of the Commonwealth, original translation by the Revd Simeon Singer, 4th edn, with a new translation and commentary by Chief Rabbi Sir Jonathan Sacks. London, 2006.

Berlin, Adele and Marc Zvi Brettler, eds., The Jewish Study Bible. New York and Oxford, 2004.

Blumenthal David, Understanding Jewish Mysticism: A Source Reader. 2 vols., New York, 1978-82.

Cohen, Boaz, The Shulhan Aruk as a Guide for Religious Practice Today. New York, 1983.

Dan, Joseph, The Kabbalah: A Very Short Introduction. New York, 2006.

Davidson, Herbert A., Moses Maimonides: The Man and his Works. Oxford, 2005.

Donin, Hayim Halevy, To Be a Jew: A Guide to Jewish Observance in Contemporary Life:

Selected and Compiled from the Shulhan Arukh and Responsa Literature, and Providing a Rationale for the Laws and the Traditions. New York, 1972.

Finkelman, Shimon, The Chazon Ish: The Life and Ideals of Rabbi Yeshayah Karelitz. New York, 1989.

Fishbane, Simcha, The Method and Meaning of the Mishnah Berurah. Hoboken, NJ, 1991.

Forms of Prayer I Daily, Sabbath and Occasional Prayers. 8th edn, London, 2008.

Frank, Daniel and Oliver Leaman (eds.), A History of Jewish Philosophy. London, 1997.

Hertz, Joseph H, ed., Pentateuch and Haftorahs. Hebrew Text, English Translation and Commentary. 5 vols., Oxford and London 1929-36; 1 vol. edn, London, 1938;

2nd edn, 1 vol., London, 1978.

The Holy Scriptures: The New JPS Translation. Philadelphia, PA, 1985.

Kellner, Menachem, Dogma in Medieval Jewish Thought, from Maimonides to Abravanel. Oxford, 1986.

Loewe, Raphael, Ibn Gabirol London, 1989.

Maimonides, Moses, The Guide of the Perplexed, tr. Shlomo Pines. Chicago and London, 1963.

Matt, Daniel O, ed. and tr., The Essential Kabbalah: The Heart of Jewish Mysticism. San Francisco, CA, 1995.

tr., The Zohar. Stanford, CA, 2004. Scherman, Nosson, ed., Tanach: The Torah, Prophets, Writings (ArtScroll series). Brooklyn, NY, 1996.

Silman, Yochanan, Philosopher and Prophet: Judah Halevi, the Kuzari, and the Evolution of his Thought, tr. Lenn F. Shramm. Albany, NY, 1995.

Sirat, Colette, A History of Jewish Philosophy in the Middle Ages, tr. M. Reich. Cambridge and Paris, 1985.

Twersky, Isadore, ed., A Maimonides Reader. New York, 1972.

The Wisdom of the Zohar: An Anthology of Texts, arranged by Fischel Lachower and Isaiah Tishby, tr. David Goldstein. 3 vols., Oxford, 1989.

Yashar, Mosheh M., Saint and Sage: Hafetz Hayim. New York, 1937.

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